The LMK 6 is TechnoTeam's luminance measurement camera and used in many ways as a standalone measuring device. It is designed to be compact and lightweight and can be used in almost any light measurement application. As it is one of TechnoTeam's core products it is also used in our other camera based measurement systems.


The system is currently available in three model types with different image sensor sizes. Equipped with an V(λ) adapted spectral filter glass, the LMK 6 is the right solution for evaluating lighting situations according to human brightness perception. 


Product package

The LMK 6 can be configured with a large variety of different lenses and special optics using a flexible bayonet exchange mount. This means that only one measurement system is needed to do a variety of different measurement tasks. The LMK 6 can also be equipped with further lenses at any time in our facility, requiring only one further additional calibration.

The LMK 6 is always delivered with the a control and analysis software package - corresponding to your application.

The LMK system always comes with a lifetime support service and calibration service. This ensures that your system is always kept up to date, and you get to work on your measurement tasks with ease.

Measured data

  • luminance distribution in a measurement image L(x,y)
  • derived photometric parameters such as illuminance distribution E(x,y) and luminous intensity distribution function I(x,y)
  • statistical data for direct further processing in calculation programs (e.g. Microsoft Excel®, MATLAB®, LabVIEW®)
Architecture Automotive Aviation Display Human Centric Lighting Infrastructure Light sources & luminaires
Light measurement
Development & Industry Science & Research