To ensure that the LMK photometers can be used for different measurement tasks, they are adapted to the imaging conditions with different lenses. Most of the lenses are from well-known manufacturers. They are selected, examined, and approved by TechnoTeam. This ensures photometric and colorimetric calibration within our metrological specifications.
All LMK lenses have fixed focal lengths. TechnoTeam differentiates between non-electronically controllable lenses with a manual or fixed focus and fixed apertures. These lenses are called standard lenses.
In the autofocus lens series, TechnoTeam offers electronically controllable lenses. Among other things, this enables focusing in automated processes. This function uses image processing within the software.
For additional applications, TechnoTeam disposes of its own lens production.
A series of macroscope and microscope lenses are available for imaging small and very small objects, even at close range. For the evaluation of angle-dependent luminance, color, and contrast distributions, TechnoTeam provides conoscopic lenses. For the assessment of luminances and color rendering in virtual image display systems, such as head-mounted displays (HMD) or near-to-eye displays (NED), TechnoTeam has developed lenses with an adjustable front aperture (foveal optics).